The World’s Greatest Athlete On Sportsmanship


Jr. High Gym

Our gym teacher was a stocky middle-aged Italian and former gymnast named Mr. Bolgiano (or as everyone called him, Mr. B) with huge biceps, chest and calves. Each class started with a ½-mile run, followed by doing a belly grinder on a pull up bar. We then did the maximum number of chin-ups, followed by monkey bars and parallel bars, where we maxed on dips and walked the bars using our arms. Only then did we start our sport routine of touch football, basketball, gymnastics, wrestling or track and field, depending on the time of year. It was a great program and one I look fondly back on.

Anyway, my brother tells me about this kid who holds the record for the ½-mile run, as well as pull-ups, dips and any other athletic endeavor required by Mr. B to pass gym class. In 1973, Disney released a movie called “The World’s Greatest Athlete” and this kid, who we’ll call Timmy, was naturally referred to as the main character in the movie, a young Jan-Michael Vincent.

Timmy excelled in every sport he participated in. Playing football, he was a running back and was known for scoring touchdowns practically every time he touched the ball. He was simply more athletically mature than most kids his age. During the Olympics at that time, Timmy watched the high divers, mimicking their dives to perfection on the neighborhood pool diving board.

Time stood still as everyone watched his twisting, turning body in mid-air, and then applauded, as he entered the water, nary a splash! He was truly our own World’s Greatest Athlete!

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