A Sharp Mind



If you perceive something isn’t right don’t ignore it. If it doesn’t look right, feel right or smell right, then it’s probably not right. Don’t second guess your perception. Let it process internally and then be willing to do something about it. Focus sharply on what your perception is telling you.

Applying your situational awareness requires mental attachment to your immediate environment. You must engage your mind for it to be effective.

Your decision-making process must be expedited to assess a dynamic situation in a timely manner. It takes mental focus to arrive at an appropriate decision. The greater your mental focus the greater your absorption of environmental information which allows you to make more informed decisions.

Lastly, but certainly not least, is your commitment to follow through on your decision without hesitation. You do not have time to second guess. One hundred percent commitment one task at a time, makes you mentally sharper than your opponent(s).

Hundredths of a second matter in a fight for your life and staying mentally focused affords you the opportunity to use them wisely. Applying a sharp mind in a fight makes you a harder target.

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