SB Tactical Wins Appeal Against ATF’s Rule on Pistol Braces


The Armed Attorneys discuss the latest on the ATF’s pistol stabilizing brace rule.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of SB Tactical and a coalition of 25 states, striking down a controversial rule by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that sought to regulate pistol stabilizing braces.

The ruling represents a significant victory for SB Tactical and its allies, who argued that the ATF’s rule constituted a gross overreach of regulatory authority.

Jeff Creamer, President and CEO of SB Tactical, hailed the decision as a major win for law-abiding Americans.

“This unlawful rule was a gross overreach of regulatory authority by an agenda-driven agency. We are encouraged that the courts are holding the ATF accountable,” Creamer said.

The court ruled that the ATF’s “Final Rule” was arbitrary and capricious, as it allowed the agency to make decisions without clearly explaining the standards used to arrive at those decisions.

The decision sharply criticized the ATF’s approach, with the court noting that the agency’s arguments “make as much sense as shouldering a rifle by the barrel.”

Travis White, President and CEO of the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition (FRAC), also welcomed the court’s decision.

“This ruling denies ATF’s ability to issue vague and amorphous standards that allow it to reach any outcome it wants,” White said.

“This published federal appellate court ruling will serve to hold ATF accountable in future attempts by the agency to invent subjective factors that allow it to apply post hoc reasoning in classification letters and rules,” he added.

In their statements, SB Tactical extended their gratitude to their co-plaintiffs—the Firearms Policy Coalition, Gun Owners of America, and the Second Amendment Foundation. They also thanked the National Rifle Association for their steadfast support throughout the litigation process.

As always, stay tuned for updates!

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