Fool’s Gold &The Fools Running Dope


Best Plans …

When I awakened, it was obvious Dobe was up hours before me. Esteban was cooking breakfast, which consisted of bacon, eggs, toast, and, of course, coffee. When I asked Dobe what he’d been up to, he just smirked and said,” Getting $500,000 worth of gold.” And left it at that. It got me thinking, “Did Dobe have a stash of gold I didn’t know about?”

He’s surprised me so many times over the years that nothing ever surprised me anymore. I remember when he showed me his stash of guns behind a hidden wall. He surprised me not only in volume but also in diversity in everything from old relics to the latest modern guns available.

“Esteban, get word to Gutierrez and tell him we’ll meet tomorrow here at the ranch house, and I’ll have his money. Ask if gold is okay.” At this time, gold was $38.90 an ounce, so $500,000 was equal to 803.34 pounds of gold. Where in the heck did Dobe get that much gold? As I said, he never stopped amazing me.

Our plan was simple but risky. When the cartel came to pick up the gold, Dobe would invite them to a big BBQ, a fiesta of sorts, with roasted goat, beef, fresh tortillas, wine and cerveza. During the party, law enforcement officials would get between the Rio Grande and Dobe’s house, trapping the cartel on their return home. The cops would have the high ground on the saddle the cartel used traveling through Dobe’s property.

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