Told Ya so


Somewhere in the heavens, the gods are not simply smiling; they’re rolling in the aisles because — once again, it appears — a gun rights group turns out to have been right when politicians and bureaucrats, not to mention wealthy anti-gunners, were wrong.

And, of course, they won’t admit it. They won’t even talk about it. Indeed, they pretend the bad news isn’t even there. But at least the daily newspaper kinda sorta did recently when it lamented the number of murders in the city remains “far higher” than before the 2020-21 pandemic.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms jumped on this revelation. As of Aug. 1, according to the Seattle Times, the city had logged 34 homicides. But by Aug. 20, according to the popular “X” social media site called “Seattle Homicide” — a small-scale version of “” which monitors murders in Chicago — there had been 40 slayings in the city. Either number is still well below last year’s record.

According to the Times story: “Homicides in Baltimore, for example, were 40% lower in the first six months of the year compared to the first half of 2019, while homicides in St. Louis and Philadelphia were down 23% and 19%, respectively … But … two-thirds of cities (in a sampling of 29 cities) are still experiencing elevated homicide rates, including Seattle, which had 50% more homicides in the first half of 2024 versus the same period in 2019.”

All of this happened after Washington state and the city adopted restrictive gun control laws, which CCRKBA’s Alan Gottlieb predicted years ago wouldn’t accomplish the intended results. When it was argued that not all of these slayings involved firearms, CCRKBA simply noted this underscores another of their positions: People will still kill other people even if they don’t use firearms.

CCRKBA issued a prepared statement essentially telling Seattle, “We told you so.”

“In 2014, when Washington voters passed gun control Initiative 594, the state reported 172 homicides, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb recalled. “In 2023, according to a new report from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, the state logged 376 murders. You can play all the games with statistics you want, but that still amounts to more than double the number of murders since the state started passing increasingly stricter gun control laws.”

Dead silence from Seattle officials, the local gun prohibition lobby and the establishment media.

Read the full article here

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