David Hogg Talks Gun Control at DNC

Hogg argued, “No gun owner, no person in this country wants gun violence to continue. So let’s focus on what we can agree on, like disarming people that are a risk to themselves or others.” (Photo: ABC News)

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

As the 2024 election draws closer, the debate over gun control has intensified, with activists like David Hogg pushing — as always — for stricter regulations.

During an ABC News interview this week, Hogg argued, “No gun owner, no person in this country wants gun violence to continue. So let’s focus on what we can agree on, like disarming people that are a risk to themselves or others.”

Basically, he’s pushing “red flag” laws. Confiscatory laws that empower the government to seize firearms from people accused — not convicted — of being a threat to themselves and others.

Hogg refuses to acknowledge the many problems with these laws, particularly as it relates to due process. Allowing the government to take guns first, and ask questions later is a recipe for trouble. But, of course, Hogg doesn’t see it that way.

The topic then turned to Gov. Tim Walz (D), who once enjoyed the support of the NRA and claimed to be a “lifelong hunter.” Walz reportedly changed his tune after the Parkland shooting.

Influenced by his daughter’s pleas, Walz returned NRA donations and supported comprehensive gun control legislation.

Hogg praised this shift, stating, “It shows that he’s a principled leader who has his beliefs. But ultimately, when times change… he listens.”

But one can certainly argue that Walz’s change of heart is a betrayal of his earlier principles, driven more by emotional appeals than by sound policy.

The emphasis on high-profile mass killings like Parkland ignores the broader context of violence, including the role of gangs in impoverished communities and the failure of existing laws to prevent crime.

Given these realities, it’s pretty clear that more regulations will only burden law-abiding citizens while leaving those intent on violence unaffected.

Later in the interview, Hogg went on to mention his efforts to engage with gun owners by participating in shooting competitions, recounting a story where he confronted assumptions head-on.

He said:

Yeah, like, they were. So, you know, when I was there, I was actually in a shooting competition one time when I was in college. In the middle of this competition, the head of the team and the president of the Sportsman Club I was at came over to me and said, ‘What’s your name?’ I said, ‘David,’ and they were holding up my Wikipedia page on his phone. He’s like, ‘David what?’ And I said, ‘David Hogg,’ and he said, ‘Are you here to take my guns away? Are you here to protest?’ I said, ‘I’m here for the shooting competition, but I’m also here because I know that I’m sure that there are probably some assumptions that you have about me, and some that I may even have about you, that are not entirely accurate. Instead of us just assuming what each other think, I came here to have a conversation and also to become a better shot because I’ve been shooting guns my entire life since I was in fourth grade. My dad was an FBI agent, right?’ And I said, ‘Now, we could either debate this and continue talking about the fact that you probably don’t want to ban a gun like the AR-15 that I do, but you probably do agree that we need more mental health funding for the two-thirds of gun deaths that are suicides in this country.’ He was like, ‘Well, yes, of course.’ I said, ‘Well, you could either continue to try to—we could have a debate here and go nowhere, or you could help me become a better shot.’ Of course, he goes over and coaches me, and I’ve remained in touch with a lot of those people in the time since

I don’t know about you, but I’m skeptical of this story. Did it really happen??? Do you believe him?

Beyond that, it’s hard to break bread with someone who firmly believes disarming responsible citizens is the best solution to stopping violent criminals. Rendering good guys defenseless does not make bad guys harmless.

As the election season heats up, Hogg’s push for stricter gun laws will face significant opposition from those of us who value our constitutional rights.

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