Shooting Is Everything?


Even though I’m often not given credit for it, I try to write in a reserved, nonconfrontational mode. But, then when you thought it was safe to go in the water, some people — through ignorance or plain stupidity — go and cross the line of common sense.

Logic, applied to conflict, is the equator between two often very opposite poles. The Modern Technique of pistol shooting uses three elements to project itself. These three things, accuracy, power and speed are supposed to be balanced. However, when given modifications for individual personal satisfaction, to promote a specific program or a flat lack of understanding — people will often manipulate the Modern Technique to be self serving.

Along this vein, a writer of some notoriety (and I’m too much of a gentleman to point a finger) recently wrote that “tactics are everything, and marksmanship isn’t important.” So let me get this straight: I put my energy, effort and training into tactics — not considering marksmanship — and I’ll win a fight?

So with the best of tactics and equipment, you can hit didly-squat when the fight starts — and win? With that thought process, why practice marksmanship at all? Just show up, look cool, and out smart the bad guy. I don’t think so.

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