Ever since I started carrying a flashlight in my pocket, I’ve used it every day without fail. Whether looking for lost items on the rug or under furniture, doing something outside at night, or (fill in infinite uses here), I get my money’s worth.
For traditional EDC use, I use a Streamlight Wedge. For always-with-me-no-matter-what use, I have a PocketMate on my keychain. For everything else, there’s the Microstream. The new model packs dual power modes. The standard beam is 50 lumens for about 3.5 hours. A doubletap on the tailcap gets you 250 lumens for an hour and a half.
The package is a tad over half the length of the Wedge (3.8″) and sports a bi-directional clip so you can stick on a hat to face forward. It’ll recharge via USB in about four hours. If you shop, you can find one for $35 or so. Streamlight.com
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