The SilencerCo Switchback Suppressor – American Handgunner


Ballistic Philosophy

I’ve been at this since I was seven years old when I bought my first Daisy BB gun. Over the intervening half-century, there have been black rifles, precision guns, automatic weapons, trebuchets the size of moving vans and slingshots. The most transformational gun purchase I have ever made was a rimfire sound suppressor. That adorable little can changed everything.

Before I bought that first rimfire suppressor, a trip to the range inevitably included hearing protection. Afterward, I could break out my Walther P22 or S&W M&P .22 and leave the muffs at home. While that makes shooting more convenient, safe and fun, the real transformation was in introducing new shooters to the game.

Shooting is a blast, but it can be intimidating for the neophyte. The terminology is foreign, the practitioners are often big, gruff and hairy, and the tools can legitimately kill you if not deftly wielded. As a result, most everybody begins with a .22 rimfire. There will be time for the .44 Magnum Desert Eagle later. On Day 1, you want a .22.

And that is where a proper rimfire can really shine. When using a suppressed .22 rifle or pistol, particularly if stoked with subsonic ammo, the experience is placid and non-threatening. Range commands can be spoken in a conversational voice, and the experience is much less intimidating.

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