Three Mental Keys To Winning A Confrontation


Body Language In A Fight

Your body language is a conduit that transmits information to your opponent. Your posture and movements have a tremendous effect positively or negatively in terms of the final outcome.

Put pressure on your threat by adopting a relatively calm, positively determined posture that displays that you are efficiently adapting and that you plan to prevail, period. If your posture ends up collapsing toward a fetal position, it only invites further encroachment.

Now is the time to expand your sphere of influence; do not collapse it. You are not just surviving here. You are absolutely committed to dominate, and your resolve will be revealed in all your movements.

Further expand your sphere of influence by the confident manner in which you present your weapon. Under duress, a weapon should be deployed as effortlessly as you reach for your keys, with no conscious thought in terms of function and employment. This is not the time to review basic function and presentation procedures.

Your powerful subconscious mind must be free to operate as designed. It should not be cluttered with the static of the conscious mind.

How can you effectively meld your weapon and your mind into a seamless whole? Be committed to effective weapons training. Couple this with an ongoing effort to enhance your perception skills by constantly striving to evaluate the reality around you.

Several notable studies have shown that the “walking dead,” those walking in a non-erect, scanning posture, are the preferred victims of society’s predators.

Manufacturer, caliber, magazine capacity and accuracy should be subservient to the directed mind, not the other way around. If you don’t constantly train, don’t expect results. You see, the only free lunch is the one your friends enjoy after your funeral.

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