Warren Calls for Nationwide Ban


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Did you see Sen. Elizabeth Warren on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” last week?

She advocated for a nationwide ban on “assault weapons,” using Massachusetts as a model for the country.

“This is the moment when we should show what unity really means. That is, Republicans and Democrats, I’ll issue the open invitation: come together and let’s ban assault weapons in this country now,” she said.

“You know, I come from a state that has really serious gun safety laws,” she continued. “I just want to point out that just what we have in Massachusetts—if the rest of the country would use the same kind of gun laws, we could reduce death by gun by about 40% in this country.”

What? Gun deaths would drop by 40%!!!

Now, that’s a helluva whopper. No way that’s even remotely true. And, of course, she doesn’t cite her sources for that claim.

While it’s true that Massachusetts has a relatively low level of firearm deaths compared to the rest of the country, it’s also true that it has one of the biggest racial disparities between firearm fatalities.

To put things in perspective, between 2015 and 2019, black males aged 15–34 were 22 times more likely to be victims of firearm homicide than White (non-Latino) males of the same age, according to Google’s AI.

Additionally, black people are 15 times more likely to die from gun homicide in Massachusetts than white people, compared to 10 times more likely nationwide, per Everytown for Gun Safety.

In other words, those stringent gun control laws that Warren touts are completely failing in communities of color. The question is why? And the answer is quite simple.

Violent drug dealers and gang bangers, who are disproportionately present in these communities, don’t follow the law. And they never will.

It doesn’t matter what gun laws the nation adopts. If we don’t address the drug and gang issue, the violence will continue. More to the point, there’s no way to reduce gun deaths by 40% in this country without tackling drugs and gangs head-on.

Warren’s bullshooting. Data from her state exposes the truth! As we all know, reducing gun deaths is about crime control. It requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of violence—poverty, lack of education, and limited economic opportunities.

Instead of trying to ban guns, the focus should be on real solutions: investing in community programs, improving education, creating jobs, and strengthening law enforcement efforts against gangs and drug traffickers. Only then can we hope to put a dent in the status quo.

How would you respond to Warren’s claim?

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