What Would Confiscation Really Look Like?


“What did Mao Zedong say about disarming the population? ‘Every communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.’” — William Kirk, Washington Gun Law.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Gun confiscation—a term that makes every lawful gun owner’s blood boil. But is it really something we need to worry about, or is it just political posturing?

William Kirk, President of Washington Gun Law, took to the screen to discuss this very issue, diving deep into both historical and modern examples to shed some light on the topic.

Kirk starts by addressing the elephant in the room: “One of the two presidential candidates appears to be really in big favor of it,” he said, referring to the increasing chatter about gun confiscation coming from the Harris-Walz ticket.

The concern isn’t just about the rhetoric but about the possible reality of such an action.

“As a matter of fact, if Congress doesn’t act and pass unconstitutional legislation within the first 100 days, she’s [Kamala] just going to do it through executive order,” said Kirk, referring to the vice president’s recent statements. “And she’s even so much as talked about mandatory buybacks and confiscation.”

To understand whether gun confiscation could truly happen in the United States, Kirk took a historical look back at some grim precedents.

From the Ottoman Empire’s disarmament leading to the Armenian Holocaust, to Stalin’s brutal purges in the Soviet Union, to Mao Zedong’s mass killings in China—each scenario paints a chilling picture of what happens when a government disarms its citizens.

“How has gun confiscation worked in the past and how has it worked out for the people who had their guns confiscated? I think you probably know the answer to that one,” Kirk remarked.

The discussion didn’t stop at history. Kirk also looked at more recent events, including Canada’s ongoing struggle with its own black rifle ban. Announced in 2020 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Canadian government promised a mandatory buyback program.

Yet, four years later, not a single firearm has been surrendered. The estimated cost? A staggering $6 billion, far exceeding the original estimate of $400 to $600 million. And they still haven’t figured out how to round up the guns.

“So, at the current time, not only has Canada not even collected a single firearm or firearm component, they have no idea how they’re going to do it,” Kirk explained, noting the logistical nightmare that the U.S. could face if a similar policy were attempted.

“Of course, what they have been able to create, though, is millions and millions of dollars in new government jobs, which are being filled by people who are still sitting around, picking their ass and scratching their head, figuring out how we’re going to get Canadians to give these guns up,” he continued.

Additionally, Kirk pointed out the stark differences between Canada and the U.S., particularly the sheer number of firearms in America and the deep-seated cultural resistance to any form of gun confiscation.

“Knowing Americans’ real strong desire for our inalienable rights and our civil liberties,” he said, “we might be a little bit more unwilling to surrender the firearms.”

Kirk also emphasized that most law enforcement leaders, including chiefs of police, sheriffs, and state patrol captains, are staunch supporters of the Second Amendment.

“None of them ever signed up in law enforcement to go kicking down doors of lawful, responsible Americans to confiscate their firearms,” he stated. Kirk warned that if confiscation efforts were ever attempted, it would likely trigger significant resistance, making parts of the country “very noisy very fast.”

The bottom line? While politicians may threaten gun confiscation to rile up their base, the practical realities make it highly improbable, if not completely impossible.

Kirk explained:

No matter whether it’s Vice President Kamala Harris or any other dimwit who’s just trying to chum the waters of their base, they will threaten with gun confiscation over and over and over. And yes, trust me, if they could actually do it, they would do it. But when you actually slow down, stop, think, and realize the complexities of what would occur, it’s highly improbable, if not completely impossible, to ever occur.

All that said, Kirk concluded with a cautionary caveat: “If I end up doing another video in a year or two about this topic, we’re probably all in serious trouble.”

What say you? Do you believe gun confiscation to be a political possibility in the near future?

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