Wonder and Weirdness


Planting Seeds

This year, Samantha came with us to the beach, only now she is 26 years old and starting her clinical year in veterinarian school. Her boyfriend, Aaron, also came along. Toward the end of the week, it started raining, making for a perfect day to visit the museum. It’s amazing how the memories made in years past take root, quickly becoming traditions. This is true of the restaurants we frequent, places we fish or cities we visit.

Needless to say, we had a blast! I think I had more fun than the kids, which is evident from the photos. There are currently 32 different Ripley’s Believe It or Not! locations scattered across North America, each with a different theme. The exhibits are changed every few years to keep things fresh.

I remember bringing Samantha with me to Idaho when she was 10 to visit Dick Thompson. We made a day trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where there was a Ripley’s Museum. Of course, she talked us into going.

While going through the museum, Dick sat on a bench next to a mannequin, staying statute still. He was waiting to fool a few kids looking around. As they approached him, they wondered if he was real. About that time, Dick would “hi” to them, causing them to practically jump out of their sneakers before laughter ensued. If you get a chance to check one out, the museums are a fun place to visit that will make a lot of good memories for you.

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